
Wildlife in Focus


Wildlife in Focus Framed


NEW - Wildlife in Focus Program Series

Time: 4pm - 5:30pm

Price: $15

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Rescue & Rehabilitation - Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary (HPZS) plays a unique and important role in the Prescott, Arizona and surrounding communities. As a wildlife rescue, rehabilitation, and sanctuary, HPZS has played an active role in providing triage to over 300 or more animals every year through our conservation program for local wildlife in need. Join us for this program where we will get a close look at our rescue facility, a behind-the-scenes experience to see what it takes to rescue and rehabilitate local wildlife, and learn what to do if you find wildlife in need!


Myths & Misconceptions - Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Is all snake venom the same? Is a Gila Monster bite lethal? Are tarantulas aggressive? Are newborn scorpions more dangerous than adult scorpions? Join us at HPZS as we dive deep into discovering which myths and misconceptions about wildlife are true and which are false, and how these myths started in the first place.


So You're New to Prescott...Wildlife Introduction - Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Are you curious about which types of snakes are venomous in our area? Should you be concerned that a skunk has found a home in your yard? What should you do if you encounter a mountain lion on the trail? Do you know how to tell the difference between a javelina track and a mule deer track? So, you’re new to Prescott, or you want to learn more about our local wildlife, join us at HPZS to learn about these wonderful animals and how to live alongside them! 


Ecosystems of Prescott - Wednesday September, 13, 2023

Prescott has such a diverse variety of ecosystems in such a small area. From the Granite Dells to the ponderosa pines, the biological communities of our area have a big story to tell, and HPZS invites you to join us as we dissect this story together! During this introduction to our ecosystems, we will take a 10-minute guided hike led by our Education Department at HPZS to the unique environment of Willow Lake. We will experience an introduction to bird watching and dip netting to discover the roles of every organism in the ecosystem. From the largest bird of prey to the smallest minnow, each species plays a part, and this program will introduce you to their roles.

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Are you interested in learning about new animals as they arrive and special events that we hold here at the park? If so, then sign-up for our free monthly e-newsletter! Each month, you'll receive an email detailing all of the latest happenings here at the Sanctuary. Most of the time, you're getting information like this before we share it with anyone else! Simply enter your email address below and we'll add you to the list. And if you're not happy with what you're getting, you can unsubscribe anytime.