
Amazon Smile

Directions to Support Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary via AmazonSmile

AmazonSmile is a great way to support your favorite charity, all while doing the same shopping on Amazon that you already do anyway. By linking your Amazon account to Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary, Amazon will donate a small percentage of your purchases back to our sanctuary. We do not receive or have access to any of your personal or purchasing information; all donations are anonymous.

To link your account, follow the easy steps below. Once you're linked, just make sure to do all of your future shopping through and your preferences will be saved. It's all of the same products and same prices, just for a good cause!


  • There you'll be prompted to sign in to your account.
  • After you sign-in, it will ask you to select your charity.

  • Where it says β€œOr pick your own charitable organization:” at the bottom, enter β€œHeritage Park Zoo” and hit enter.

  • Select the listing that says "Prescott Animal Parks Association" (in Prescott, AZ).

  • Once you've selected our organization, Amazon will remember your preference and you will not need to go through this process again.

  • That's it! Now, just shop and Amazon will do the rest. The more you shop, the more your help our organization!


Thank you for continuing to help support our animal, resucue and education programs. Your donations to our community organization truly make a huge difference - we could not do all that we do without your support.

For questions about this program, please feel free to call 928.778.4242, ext. 16.